isinesunshine TaTüTäs
JoPoMous isinesunshine
What is upcycling?
In contrast to the process of recycling, during which the initial material is destroyed before being processed, upcycled materials maintain their initial form when they are processed. In both cases, (textile) waste in reused.
Two examples for processing textiles:
From which material are isinesunshine SweeTiPouches made?
For my SweeTiPouches I use all different sorts of old, torn and outworn textiles, which would normally be thrown away:
... handmade with love, hence, each one is unique!
... a perfect gift, coming from the heart and useful to everyone.
... part of your company's corporate identity as a gift for your employees.
The upcycling models are, in addition, eco-friendly and refillable without plastic waste.
Isis Luxenburger
textile designer
(Saarbrücken, Germany)
web site:
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