isinesunshine TaTüTäs
JoPoMous isinesunshine
The prices of the individually designed SweeTiPouches depend on the model and the expenditure of time and material. Subject to the quantity ordered, a bulk discount is granted.
The basis price per model serves as orientation:
simple: 5,90€
special: 6,90€
Additional and expensive materials (tissues, labels, bows, etc.) increase the price. The bulk discount is subtracted from the total price.
... handmade with love, hence, each one is unique!
... a perfect gift, coming from the heart and useful to everyone.
... part of your company's corporate identity as a gift for your employees.
The upcycling models are, in addition, eco-friendly and refillable without plastic waste.
Isis Luxenburger
textile designer
(Saarbrücken, Germany)
web site:
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