isinesunshine TaTüTäs
JoPoMous isinesunshine
individually handmade, personally designed and clearly assignable to your company
With the 100% handmade SweeTiPoches designed according to your personal wishes you can express your esteem, regognition and respect for your employees.
The handy accessory will accompany your staff in their daily life for a long time being a gerat joy to them.
The design of your individual SweeTiPouch can be matched completely with your company's corporate design, thereby emphasizing and supporting its corporate identity.
By your individual SweeTiPouch as unique, high quality and durable promotional gift You and your company will stay in your clients' minds as a lasting and positive memory.
As a handy accessory, the SweeTiPouch will be part of your clients' daily life being a great joy to them - a joy they will link to your company.
Every single SweeTiPouch is individually and lovingly handmade and therefore a personal gift and unique piece contributing to customer bonding and having a positive influence on your company's image.
"As a christmas present for my employees, I'd like to have a SweeTiPouch sincerely thanking them for the great teamwork throughout the last year. It should be usable all year long and suitable for both female and male staff members."
When the design is set, I sew the desired quantity of your SweeTiPouches.
Upon request with individual customized tags, gift packaging, ...
In a blink, you receive your personal SweeTiPouch delivery!
Request your individual design right now!
Just send me your request including the occasion, your wishes and the quantity via e-mail or contact form:
Subsequently, if necessary after queries, you will receive your personal non-binding offer.
... handmade with love, hence, each one is unique!
... a perfect gift, coming from the heart and useful to everyone.
... part of your company's corporate identity as a gift for your employees.
The upcycling models are, in addition, eco-friendly and refillable without plastic waste.
Isis Luxenburger
textile designer
(Saarbrücken, Germany)
web site:
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